Community energy developer gets funding boost

The Green party has criticized the Government’s plans to overrule councils by fast tracking fracking applications. The Green party is the only party that has remained committed to a total ban of UK shale gas exploration operations.

UK Energy Secretary Amber Rudd has recently advised that the Government plans to write to planning authorities to encourage the “national need to explore” fracking. She did also however make it clear that she does not wish for these bids to be “dragged out for months, or even years.” Keith Taylor, Green MEP for South East England said:

“Tories are in bed with the fracking industry. The government’s plans to fast-track fracking is shocking but not surprising as we all know the Tories are in bed with the fracking industry.” “Going all out for fracking is short-sighted and is a big distraction from the new era of clean renewable energy that scientists are urging us to move into.” “This is yet another move in the wrong direction for UK energy policy away from climate security and in favour of self-serving unproven technology.”