Energy group sets out budget asks

Energy and Utilities Alliance, EUA, a leading trade association, has called for the Government to improve the economic climate for its members.

Isaac Occhipinti, Head of External Affairs at EUA, said:

“We are acutely aware that following the Spending Review in November last year there is little money and indeed little appetite to make major policy changes but we call on George Osborne to take the necessary steps to make the UK’s energy affordable, sustainable and secure.” “We have identified five key steps the Chancellor could take in his Budget, that require little or no Government spending but can benefit consumers in the UK. They are:- • Pay the Winter Fuel Allowance in the summer months.

• Help develop the infrastructure for gas-powered commercial vehicles.

• Insist on higher energy efficiency standards for all new homes built.

• Review the case for strategic investment in long- term UK gas storage.

• Remove unnecessary red tape for heating installers.” “The Budget is a chance to support our members and the public at large to enjoy an energy secure, sustainable and affordable future.”