Energy efficient homes generate savings for landlords

New research has been published highlighting the need for better more efficient homes as social landlords come under increasing pressure to cope with reductions in funding and lower incomes.

The study was carried out by Sustainable Homes. The key findings include:

1. A direct correlation between energy efficiency of homes and the number of void days. As homes become more energy efficient they stand void for shorter periods of time.

2. Landlords with more energy efficient stock spend less on refurbishing void homes and less on repairs, and staff.

3. The highest performing properties in band A spend less time trying to recover arrears in comparison to inefficient homes.

4. Those homes that are colder, particularly those in band F have two weeks more rent arrears than more energy efficient bands each year.

Lord Matthew Taylor, Liberal Democrat and former chair of the National Housing Federation, said:

“We know that residents really value high quality homes that are affordable to run, and above all comfortable to live in. By investing in better, more energy efficient homes we can have a material impact on lowering fuel bills, reducing rent arrears, addressing voids and improving the bottom line for social landlords - a ‘win-win’ which is good for residents and good for landlords.“ Tony Burton, Executive Chair of Sustainable Homes, added:

“The price of solar PV has plummeted by 99% since the 1970s and there is no reason why the social housing sector can’t achieve a similar transformation in cutting the costs of energy efficiency. Sustainable Homes’ report further underlines the case for major investment by housing providers, local authorities and Government in better quality homes that are easier to heat, cheaper to run and more comfortable and healthy to live in.”