Hertfordshire Mercury

5 January 2011

After a white Christmas, let’s make it a green start to 2011

Every year we make the same tired old New Year’s resolutions that are usually broken before the month is out.

So here’s a fresh one you could try that’s becoming easier and easier to keep – go green and help save the environment.

There are selfish reasons for making the resolution too with the opportunity for eco-friendly folk to save money on their energy bills and earn some extra cash in the process.

Electricity prices are forecast to increase by 9.5 percent in the autumn, while gas charges are expected to shoot up by seven percent.

With this in mind, Herfordshire County Council is already looking at generating its own electricity by having photovoltaic panels on its properties.

But one Hertford resident is already ahead of the game, recently hosting a party celebrating the fitting of 15 solar panels on the roof of his Talbot Street home.

Ray Bomber said: “I did this firstly because we should all be trying to reduce our carbon footprint, but this year it is a good investment with an expected return of nine percent per annum, index-linked for 25 years.”

“I also use recycled vegetable oil in my car, and I have given up flying, so I hope I am setting a good example.”

During the short days of winter, Mr Bomber’s panels manage to produce between 1 and 2KwHR, but in the summer, he expects this to treble or quadruple.

Mr Bomber’s solar installation includes a piece of kit called an inverter, which converts direct current to usable alternating current.

The inverter also has a display, which Ray says he loves because it can tell him at any moment how much electricity and carbon he is producing, and how much money he is saving.

Excess electricity generated by Mr Bomber is bought by Ware-based electricity supplier Green Energy UK, which then sells it to the National Grid.

Mr Bomber added: “Mr party guests were astonished to learn that even if I use my homegrown electricity, I get paid more than 40p for every KwH I produce.”

But residents do not need to go as far as Mr Bomber to reduce their bills, with Green Energy UK recently having set up a freephone advice line which can provide information on everything from insulation to available grants.

Liz Bell, who will be one of those answering the phones, said: “We’re not telling people to switch everything off and sit in the dark. There are many simple ways homeowners can save energy without making big changes to their lifestyle.

“Every home is different, so to maximise the potential of energy saving, we supply specialist advice that is just for you. Homeowners can make a real difference in reducing carbon dioxide emissions as well as helping the nation’s fuel resources go further simply by reducing their energy use.

“Of course by saving energy, people will also save money on their bills.”

A Green Energy UK spokesman said: “In winter we start to reach for the thermostat and our energy use goes up.

”To help homeowners lower their energy use, Green Energy UK has launched an energy saving helpline. The freephone helpline is endorsed by the Energy Saving Trust and offers callers practical advice on how to save energy, which is tailored to their individual circumstances.

“Green Energy UK, a supplier of 100% renewable and 100% green electricity, believes this gives homeowners a fantastic opportunity to help the environment.”

So as you start to break your resolutions this week, it’s not too late to add another that, if you keep it, could make a real difference.”

The freephone number to call for advice is 0800 783 8851.