Energy saving this winter

Our top 10 tips



Here are our quick Top Tips on how to reduce your energy consumption (and spend!) whilst keeping your home warm and cosy this winter.

  1. Draw the curtains

    One of the simplest and probably most old-fashioned ways of reducing your energy consumption and keeping your home warm is to draw your curtains or blinds. These can keep the cold from coming in and keep the heat from escaping out.

  2. Insulate the little gaps

    You’ll remember this when you feel that icy draft coming in through your letterbox in the mornings. Insulating those small gaps whether it’s that letterbox, or the cat flap, can help keep your house warm and cosy. Using rubber or brush draft excluders or insulating tape can be quite an easy fix.

  3. Think about when your heating and hot water needs to be on

    One of the most common myths about hot water is that it needs to be left on all day. This can cost a small fortune. Equally, leaving your heating on all day when you are out at work doesn’t make sense EITHER. Most central heating and hot water systems come with programmable timers, and you can now buy smartphone apps to control your heating when you are away from home. Set your timers for when you need the heating and hot water to come on, allowing time for the house to warm up and cool down. Set your water to heat up only when you need it. If your hot water cylinder or tank is well insulated, you may even find that the hot water supply in the morning stays hot enough to use in the evenings.

  4. Adjust the temperature - a tiny bit can make all the difference

    With the typical UK weather fluctuating in the build up to winter, and even during the winter, it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on the temperature of your heating and adjust IT according to the weather. With household heating and hot water accounting for more than 50% of a customer’s energy bill, it makes sense to economise where you can. For example, by turning down your room thermostat by just one degree, you'll cut as much as 10% off your heating bill, saving around £90 a year.

  5. Banish those icy draughts

    Draught proofing is one of the most efficient and cheapest ways of making your home warm and more energy efficient. Draughts let in too much cold air and waste too much heat. To draught-proof your home you should block up unwanted gaps that let cold air in and warm air out. Saving warm air means you’ll use less energy to heat your home, so you'll save money as well as making your home snug.

    Draught-proofing around windows and doors could save you £25 to £50 per year. Draught-free homes are comfortable at lower temperatures – so you’ll be able to turn down your thermostat. This could save you another 10% off your heating bill. The biggest culprits for draughts are windows and doors. Metal or plastic strips with brushes or wipers attached are the best option. Self-adhesive foam strips are cheaper and easy to install but may not last as long. Loft hatches can often get forgotten. So if you are insulating your loft, don’t forget the hatch! Floorboards are also a common cause of draughts, as are chimneys and fireplaces.

  6. Consider insulating your roof

    A staggering 2 loft. A quick search on Google and there are plenty of cost effective ways to do it safely

  7. Do you really need radiators on in every room?

    Turn the heaters or radiators off in the rooms you are not using. If the thermostats are on full in these rooms you will be wasting energy. If the rooms are not in use, either turn down or turn off!

  8. Check the insulation on exposed pipes

    Pipe insulation often gets forgotten but is essential. If left uninsulated, they can freeze. Insulation, can easily be slipped over the exposed pipes and save heat from escaping, saving your energy bill.

  9. Switch off the standby button

    TVs, set-top boxes, DVDs, mobile phone chargers, games consoles, stereos and PCs use small amounts of electricity when they are plugged in but not switched on. Whilst the standby energy consumed is small, the overall energy consumption does add up. Switch-off the stand-by, reduce your energy consumption and save between £50 and £80 a year.

  10. Leave your radiators clear

    Move large objects away from radiators. These can stop heat circulating around the room, and what’s the point of heating up your sofa when it’s you that needs to stay warm!