How can I be sure I’ll get a reliable energy supply?
The entire industry is regulated by Ofgem (Office of Gas and Electricity Markets), who make sure that customers of all energy suppliers receive a reliable and uninterrupted supply.
If you have ongoing supply issues then this is the responsibility of our network partners.
Details of your local distribution network can be found in our Customer Promise which you can download here.
What is your energy fuel mix?
Our Gas
All our gas comes from a process known as Anaerobic Digestion - it is therefore 100% green. We’re the only supplier in the UK to offer this to all our domestic and commercial customers.
Our Electricity
Industry regulations require us to display our electricity fuel mix as per the table below. In a nutshell, our electricity is 100% renewable.
100Green fuel mix |
1st April 2022 - 31st March 2023 |
Coal |
0% |
Natural Gas |
0% |
Nuclear |
0% |
Renewables |
100% |
Other |
0% |
UK fuel mix |
1st April 2022 - 31st March 2023 |
Coal |
3.40% |
Natural Gas |
39.30% |
Nuclear |
13.90% |
Renewables |
40.80% |
Other |
2.60% |
And here is the environmental impact of our tariffs compared to the UK average.
100Green impact |
Carbon dioxide emissions |
0.00g per kWh |
High level radioactive waste |
0.000g per kWh |
UK fuel impact |
Carbon dioxide emissions |
186.00g per kWh |
High level radioactive waste |
0.007g per kWh |
For further information on the impacts of the UK average fuel mix see:
Do you Carbon Offset your energy?
No, we don’t need to! All our energy is green and renewable from the source.
Carbon offsetting schemes have done wonders to raise awareness of our impact on the environment. But they’re not ‘get out of jail free’ cards. Reducing our reliance on fossil fuels is our focus – not offsetting the impact.
How can you prove your energy is 100% green?
For our electricity, we have a REGO certificate (Renewable Energy Guarantees Origin) for every MWh we supply.
For our gas, we have Renewable Gas Guarantees of Origin (RGGOs).
These certificates prove to the final customer that the energy was produced from renewable sources.
The electricity certification process is audited annually by Ofgem the regulator of the Energy Industry.
And our gas is certified by the Green Gas Certification Scheme (and our EKO Energy Tariff is additionally certified as sustainable, by an independent ecolabel, ( You can find out more about EKO Energy here.
Do you generate your own energy?
No, we don’t. We have a fantastic network of generators. They generate our energy in weird and wonderful ways to meet the ever-growing demand for green and renewable energy across the UK. You can read more about our energy here.
I’ve heard that the generation of some green energy damages wildlife habitats. What about yours?
As the UK expands its ability to generate more and more green energy, these are the sorts of challenges our industry faces.
Our EKO Energy Tariff has been independently certified to be generated in locations that protect bird and marine migrations and wildlife habitats.
So it’s perfect for people who want to do more to protect our natural world.
You can find out more about our EKO Energy Tariff here.
Can I buy just gas from you?
Not at the moment, no. We sell dual fuel (gas and electricity) or you can buy just electricity from us.