One year on from the first 2020 lockdown, we want to stand up and say 'thank you' to the charities, organisations and individuals who have quietly been maintaining, championing and fighting for our green spaces.
Their efforts over the years meant that when the 2020 pandemic hit, we had beautiful places to re-discover and enjoy.
To celebrate the UK's green spaces, we want to put together a short film showcasing some of the beautiful places we have re-discovered during the last year. We'd love you to contribute!
Using your phone, simply film whatever makes the walk special to you. It might be the views, the people, your dogs or the wildlife. Then visit geuk.wetransfer.com and follow the instructions to send us the footage.
Don't forget to let us know whereabouts in the UK you are! We'll be sharing the film in May's newsletter.
If you have any questions, please email hello@geuk.com
Submission deadline: 17th May.
Find out more about why we are celebrating the UK's green spaces >
Liz, a GEUK customer, sent us some footage for this little video last summer. Despite the challenges, let's not forget the
good things we have learnt over the last year.